Dr. Brian Ingraffia
Favorite Books
- Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
- Mr. Ives' Christmas by Oscar Hijuelos
- Collecting music and books—he has over 3,000 books in his library
- Listening and dancing to the blues
Additional Information
Listen to a recording of , a conversation moderated by Professor Ingraffia at the Festival of Faith and Writing 2008.
Professor Ingraffia graduted summa cum laude from the University of Texas at Austin in 1984 with a BA in the liberal arts honors program. He then began work at the University of California, Irvine, receiving an MA in English in 1986 and a PhD in American literature with a critical theory empasis in 1993. His doctoral dissertation was on "Vanquishing God's Shadow: Postmodern Theory, Ontotheology, and Biblical Theology." Professor Ingraffia taught in Biola University's English department until 2002, when he joined the English department at Calvin College.
Academic Interests
- twentieth-century American literature
- postmodern American fiction
- postmodern theory and culture
- literature and religion
- contemporary literary theory
- history of critical theory
- hermeneutics
- philosophy and literature
- postcolonial African literature